18 August, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update #4

Harvest of the day

Yellow/green beans, hot peppers, peas and spaghetti squash
The mystery plants that started growing early on in the year have finally produced fruit and/or vegetables. What I thought was a melon from the previous post, is now believed to be Spaghetti Squash. Looking forward to trying these as they have sprouted from seeds from a plant bought from another vendor, and they look hearty. When Emma is here I will make a Spaghetti Squash Shepherds Pie from Chef Chuck Hughes, as I remember this episode from the winter months and it looked delicious. The zucchini's that have been picked have been donated to other people as I do not know what to do with that much, and my mom has made a wonderful Italian casserole style side-dish with tomato sauce, basil, onion and a topping of bread and cheese. The Italian casserole gave you a feeling of summer and a desire to travel to Italy.

More to come next week,

1 comment:

  1. I heard good things about the zucchini casserole. I have been using my zukes in various dishes - tonight was a frittata.
