27 August, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update #5

Harvest of the Day

Spaghetti Squash, that I did not plant but sprouted from seeds leftover from a purchased one, Zucchini, Green and Yellow Beans, Beefsteak Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes and Peas. I am hoping now that a few Tomatoes have ripened the rest start this coming week as I do not want them to rot.


18 August, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update #4

Harvest of the day

Yellow/green beans, hot peppers, peas and spaghetti squash
The mystery plants that started growing early on in the year have finally produced fruit and/or vegetables. What I thought was a melon from the previous post, is now believed to be Spaghetti Squash. Looking forward to trying these as they have sprouted from seeds from a plant bought from another vendor, and they look hearty. When Emma is here I will make a Spaghetti Squash Shepherds Pie from Chef Chuck Hughes, as I remember this episode from the winter months and it looked delicious. The zucchini's that have been picked have been donated to other people as I do not know what to do with that much, and my mom has made a wonderful Italian casserole style side-dish with tomato sauce, basil, onion and a topping of bread and cheese. The Italian casserole gave you a feeling of summer and a desire to travel to Italy.

More to come next week,

11 August, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update #3

Today's harvest: zucchini, yellow & green beans, peas

Garden looking to the East

Garden looking to the West

Mystery plant, could be a melon

Zucchini plant, notice all the flowers, and there are a lot more that have that many on them as well


The garden has grown incredibly well since we have been receiving rain over the past week and a half. The tomatoes should start ripening in the next week and be picked in another two. There are now peppers on most of the plants and they will be able to be harvested in the coming weeks. More updates to come.


04 August, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update #2

First harvest of the year, and many more to come. I have been picking lettuce for a few weeks now, but today I picked some beetroot and the zucchini that I posted last week, so decided to take a photo of what the lettuce looks like.
Lettuce varieties, beetroot, and zucchini

More to come over the remainder of the summer, and into autumn.
